Astral Viron Pool Package
Need to upgrade all your equipment?Want to Save on your power bill and pool chemical costs? Then we have the solution for you.
Introducing the AstralPool Viron Pool Package deal.
You will receive the following:
1 x Astral Viron XT Energy Saving Pool Pump ( 9 star rating )
1 x Astral CA280 25 inch Premium Media Filter
1 x Astral Viron eQ25 Salt Water Chlorinator
1 x PH Probe Kit
1 x Chlorine Probe Kit
With all this equipment above you will have a sparkling pool all year. Thisequipment connectto each other via a RJ12 cable that is connected to the pump and salt water chlorinator.
While the pool is running the speed of the pump automatically changes to the condition of the pool balance.
If the Chlorine is low the pool pump will speed up and the output of the chlorinator will automatically increase. If the PH Level is high the dosing unit will start pumping pool acid into the pool for you.
Also on the chlorinator the pool readings are always on display so you know your pool is balanced this means no more trips to the pool shop for unnecessary water testing.
This would be suitable for a 60,000L Pool. If your pool is bigger contact us and we will let you know the small price difference