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Feed Hose Second Section (light) – JV503

Original price was: $0.99.Current price is: $0.79.

SKU: BGU5467475302 Category:


Jet Vac Hose: Jet VacLight Blue Hose

Jet VacLight Blue Hose JV503connects to the Jet Vac Pool Cleaner. The light Blue is the the most flxible of the hoses to allow the cleaner to move freely around the pool. Each Hose is connect with a Jet Vac Swivel JVD5 which uses two mender nuts to retain the applicable hose to each side of the swivel.


Never cut the light Blue Jet Vac Hose. Only the Dark Blue Jet vac Hose is cut during installation. When setting up the Jet Vac Hoses, start by connecting all the hoses to the wall outlet, then taking the hoses to the furthest end of the pool. The hose should be 600mm longer than the furthest point. Any extra hose must becut off the Dark Blue section JV502.


  • Light Blue
  • JV503
  • approximately 5.2m long
  • Genuine Jet Vac Hose

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